Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kinship by Philippe Wamba

Philippe Wamba’s book is a must read for all those interested in humanity.
Philippe records history that has been ignored in an engaging and interesting story telling style. The book is ahead of its time. The author digs deep into untold stories to examine the cause of division among people, from a global prospective.

Philippe’s rich observation is enhanced by his knowledge of history and a humble way of looking at his personal experiences across continents. In addition, he engages readers with an exemplary family and a coming of age stories. The writer parallels his family tale with world history and current events. In the process, he neatly packages information that is hard to find. The book will make you laugh with pleasant tales and cry with cruel stories.

It is a shame how we humans continue to ignore ideas that unite and enlighten us in favor of the old dividing stories, as we kept losing forward thinking leaders before their time - such as Philippe Wamba. The book shows us what type of history we create when we function in this world based on suspicion and ignorance.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I have recently read this book and absolutely love it. Mr. Wamba was taken away from us too soon. His ideas represent the future of the African diaspora and transnational African communities. God bless you noting his work and sharing it with the world.


Selam said...

Thank you for your comment. We agree that he was taken away from us too soon.

May God bless his soul. May his sprite guide all of us.